Aviation, The photo

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24-September-2013 Tuesday
Whatever you say, beautiful car.

21-September-2013 Saturday
Night hunters

21-September-2013 Saturday
Russian Knights

19-September-2013 Thursday
Refueling in the air

12-September-2013 Thursday
Jumped into the opposite direction

06-September-2013 Friday
Photo report 100th anniversary of the Air Force

21-August-2013 Wednesday
Rio de Janeiro

21-August-2013 Wednesday
Exclusive aerial footage of the combat aircraft of the Russian Air Force

17-August-2013 Saturday
A pilot wearing a new American flight helmet designed specifically for the F-35.

16-August-2013 Friday
Preparation for the landing of heavy military equipment.

09-August-2013 Friday
The strangest planes in the history of aviation

06-August-2013 Tuesday
I wonder who will give way?

06-August-2013 Tuesday
Sights of modern fighters

05-August-2013 Monday
Happy end

29-July-2013 Monday
Front-line soldier

01-July-2013 Monday
Under cover

01-June-2013 Saturday

28-May-2013 Tuesday
Interesting camouflage.

15-May-2013 Wednesday
Night flight

04-May-2013 Saturday
Dangerous planes are flying from the Russian border!

04-May-2013 Saturday
The most successful brainchild of Count von Zeppelin.

21-April-2013 Sunday
North Korea has released a photo of its air force.

15-April-2013 Monday
Airplane photo

13-April-2013 Saturday
McDonell XP-67 MoonBat

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